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Lasst uns durch die Straßen ziehen, denn heute Nacht ist Halloween! Geister schreien, Hexen lachen, gebt uns Süßes, sonst wird's krachen. Süßes oder Saures! Ich bin der Geist von nebenan.

Amerikanische Halloween-Sprüche

Trick or treat, smell my feet.
Give me something good to eat.
If you don’t, I won’t be sad.
I’ll just make you wish you had!

Trick or treat, Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat !!!
Nuts and candy, fruit and gum.
I’ll go away if you give me some.
Trick or treat, smell my feet.
I know you’ll give us lots of treats.
Not to big, not to small,
Maybe the size of Montreal.

Trick or Treat!
Give me something good to eat.
Give me candy.
Give me cake.
Give me something sweet to take!

Ghost, ghost, number eight
Bumped his head on the gate.
The gate swung in,
The gate swung out.
And hear him shout: Boohooohoo!!

Witches brew is good for you,
sit for a spell,
let yourself jell,
and drink a lot from my pot.

The dead rise again,
bats fly,
terror strikes and screams echo,
for tonight it’s Halloween.